domingo, 12 de outubro de 2014

Words of Wisdom - Lao Tzu

Watch your thoughts;
   They become words.

Watch your words;
   They become actions.

Watch your actions;
   They become habits.

Watch your habits;
   They become your character.

Watch your character;
   It becomes your destiny.

                               Lao Tzu.

sábado, 11 de outubro de 2014

7 Life lessons

Today I wake up with a smile from ear-to-ear. So let's go live with passion this beautiful day.

  1. Over prepare and then go with the flow.
  2. No one is in charge of your happiness, except you.
  3. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.
  4. Burn the candles. Use the nice sheets. Wear the fancy lingeries. 
  5. Always choose life. 
  6. What other people think about you isn't your business.
  7. Belive in miracle. 

See you later, bye bye.

sexta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2014

Tongue Twisters

Tongue twisters help us pronunciation practice. Below are listed four tongue twister and a video class for study.

1.She sells seashells by the seashore.

2. How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?

3. Betty Botter bought some butter.

4. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

See you later, bye bye.

quinta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2014

Dentist - Dental implants

Today I went to dentist because I had a dental implant last week! I think no one on this planet likes going to the dentist. I don't like! But it was necessary, so let's go studying a little about this.

Apply anesthesia. Aplicar anestesia.
Controlling bleeding with gauze. Controlar o sangramento com gaze.

jawbone: osso maxilar | dental crown: coroa

See you later, bye bye.

quarta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2014

terça-feira, 7 de outubro de 2014

At the Supermarket - Dairy Section

Milk and dairy products (cheese, yogurt, cream, buttter, etc) contain many nutrients and provide a quick and easy way of supplying these nutrients to the diet within relatively few calories

Dairy section

See you later, bye bye!

segunda-feira, 6 de outubro de 2014

4 Cardinais Virtues

Cardinais Virtues

Cardinal virtues are the most important moral qualities. 
There are four principal moral virtues: Wisdom, Justice, Courage, and Moderation. 

Wisdom (Prudence) - The First Cardinal Virtue

It is concerned with the intellect. It is the virtue that allows us to judge correctly what is right and what is wrong. 

Justice - The Second Cardinal Virtue

Justice it is concerned with the will, is connected to the idea of rights. 

Courage (Fortitude) - The Third Cardinal Virtue

Fortitude allows us to overcome fear and to remain steady in our will in the face of obstacles, but is always reasoned and reasonable;the person exercising fortitude does not seek danger for danger's sake. Prudence and Justice are the virtue through which we decide what needs to be done, fortitude gives us the strength to do it.

Moderation (Self-control, Temperance) - The forth Cardinal Virtue

Temperance is restraint of our desires or passions. Food, drink, and sex are necessary for our survival, individually and as a specie, yet a disordered desire for any of these goods can have disastrous consequences, physical and moral. 

So...PRUDENCE for study English more and better, JUSTICE with your time and desires, COURAGE for practice every day and MODERATION for study, listen to music, watch TV, stay with friends and family, play video game, ride a bike, and another things.

See you later, bye bye.