sábado, 23 de setembro de 2017

Be kind with yourself

Cultivate Your Inner Advocate. We’re all familiar with the inner critic. It’s that little voice in our heads that’s quick to judge and is always ready with a put down. Well, it’s time for your inner critic to meet your inner advocate.
And who exactly is this inner advocate? It’s another voice in your head: the one that defends you. When your inner critic comes at you with ridicule and scorn, your inner advocate jumps in and presents arguments on your behalf. While your inner critic is against you, your inner advocate is for you.
Be kind to yourself by cultivating your inner advocate (mine wears Armani suits and carries a black leather Gucci brief case).


Vocabulary: displace

to remove and take the place of somebody/something

Vocabulary: pursue

to follow somebody/something in order to catch them or it
to try to achieve something or to continue to do something over a period of time

Vocabulary: whereby

by which; because of which

Vocabulary: vary

1 (used about a group of similar things) to be different from each other
2 to be different or to change according to the situation, etc.
3 to make something different by changing it often in some way

Vocabulary: output

1 the amount that a person or machine produces
2 the information that a computer produces
3 the place where power, energy, etc. leaves a system

Vocabulary: bond

1 something that joins two or more people or groups of people together, such as a feeling of  friendship
2 an agreement by a government or a company to pay you interest on the money you have lent; a document containing this agreement
3 a sum of money that is paid as bail

1 to join two things firmly together; to join firmly to something else
2 to develop or create a relationship of trust with somebody

Vocabulary: whereas

used for showing a fact that is different

Vocabulary: reinforce

to make something stronger

Vocabulary: reveal

1 to make something known that was secret or unknown before:
2 to show something that was hidden before:

Vocabulary: purchase

1 the action of buying something
2 something that you buy

Vocabulary: pose

1 to create something for or give something to somebody that they have to deal with
2 to sit or stand in a particular position for a painting, photograph, etc.
3 to behave in a way that is intended to impress people who see you

Vocabulary: panel

1 a square or rectangular piece of wood, metal or glass that forms part of a door or wall
2 a group of people who give their advice or opinions about sth; a group of people who discuss  topics of interest on television or radio
3 a flat surface that contains the equipment for controlling a vehicle, machine, etc.

Vocabulary: grant

1 to (officially) give somebody what they have asked for
2 to agree (that something is true)
noun: money that is given by the government, etc. for a particular purpose

sexta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2017

Vocabulary: exploit

1 to use something or to treat somebody unfairly for your own advantage
2 to develop something or make the best use of something
Noun: something exciting or interesting that somebody has done

Vocabulary: definite

1 fixed and unlikely to change; certain
2 clear; easy to see or notice

Vocabulary: converse

verb: to talk to somebody; to have a conversation
noun: the opposite or reverse of a fact or statement

Vocabulary: proceed

1 to continue doing something; to continue being done
2 to start doing the next thing after finishing the last one

Vocabulary: require

1 to need something
2 to officially demand or order something

Vocabulary: retain

to keep or continue to have something; not to lose

Vocabulary: reverse

1 to put something in the opposite position to normal or to how it was before
2 to exchange the positions or functions of two things or people

Vocabulary: role

1 the position or function of somebody/something in a particular situation
2 a person's part in a play, film, etc

Vocabulary: deny

1 to state that something is not true; to refuse to admit or accept something
2 to refuse to allow somebody to have something:

Vocabulary: bulk

1 the main part of something; most of something
2 the size, quantity or weight of something large

Vocabulary: aware

1 knowing about or realizing something; conscious of somebody/something
2 interested and informed

Vocabulary: assign

1 to give something to somebody for a particular purpose
2 to give somebody a particular job to do

Vocabulary: alter

to make something different in some way, but without changing it completely; to become

Vocabulary: albeit


Vocabulary: aggregate

1 a total number or amount made up of smaller amounts that are collected together
2 sand or broken stone that is used to make concrete or for building roads, etc.

Vocabulary: forthcoming

1 that will happen or appear in the near future
2 offered or given
3 (used about a person) ready to be helpful, give information, etc.

Vocabulary: commence

to start or begin


having more than one possible meaning

quarta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2017

A little quote for motivation

"After mountains there are mountains". In other words, beyond every problem there is another; the best we can do is to solve each problem, one at time.

sexta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2017

Vocabulary: behalf

for somebody; as the representative of somebody

Vocabulary: approach

1 to come near or nearer to somebody/something
2 to begin to deal with a problem, a situation, etc.
3 to speak to somebody usually in order to ask for something

Vocabulary: assure

1 to promise somebody that something will certainly happen or be true, especially if they are worried
2 to make something sure or certain

Vocabulary: attach

1 to fasten or join something to something
2 to make somebody/something join or belong to somebody/something

Vocabulary: attain

1 to succeed in getting something, usually after a lot of effort
2 to reach a particular age, level or condition

Vocabulary: automate

to make something operate by machine, without needing people

Vocabulary: assemble

1 to come together or bring somebody/something together in a group
2 to fit the parts of sth together

Vocabulary: append

to add something to the end of a piece of writing

Vocabulary: thereby

in that way

quarta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2017

Vocabulary: practitioner

1 a person who works as a doctor, dentist or lawyer
2 a person who regularly does a particular activity, especially one that requires skill

Vocabulary: notwithstanding

in spite of something

Vocabulary: diminish

to become or to make something smaller or less important; decrease

Vocabulary: erode

(used about the sea, the weather, etc.) to destroy something slowly

Vocabulary: negate

1 to stop something from having any effect
2 to state that something does not exist

Vocabulary: likewise

the same; in a similar way

Vocabulary: legal

1 using or connected with the law
2 allowed by law

Vocabulary: levy

an extra amount of money that has to be paid, especially as a tax to the government

Vocabulary: predict

to say that something will happen in the future

Vocabulary: precede

to happen, come or go before somebody/something

Vocabulary: entity

something that exists separately from something else and has its own identity

segunda-feira, 11 de setembro de 2017

Vocabulary: issue

1 a problem or subject for discussion
2 one in a series of things that are published or produced
3 the act of publishing or giving something to people

Vocabulary: index

1 a list in order from A to Z, usually at the end of a book, of the names or subjects that are referred to in the book
2 a way of showing how the price, value, rate, etc. of something has changed

Vocabulary: inhibit

1 to prevent something or make something happen more slowly
2 to make somebody nervous and embarrassed so that he/she is unable to do something

Vocabulary: interval

1 a period of time between two events
2 a short break separating the different parts of a play, film, concert, etc.
3 a short period during which something different happens from what is happening for the rest of the time

sábado, 9 de setembro de 2017

Curiosities: honeymoon

The word "honeymoon" first appeared in the 16th century.  'Honey' is a reference to the sweetness of a new marriage and 'moon' is a bitter acknowledgment that this sweetness, like a full moon, would quickly fade.

Curiosities: red roses

Red roses are the most popular flowers to give on Valentine's Day and although they may look the same to the untrained eye, there are actually more than 900 different varieties of dark-red and medium-red roses.

sexta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2017

Vocabulary: inherent

that is a basic or permanent part of somebody/something and that cannot be removed

Vocabulary: infer

to form an opinion or decide that something is true from the information you have

Vocabulary: infer

to form an opinion or decide that something is true from the information you have

Vocabulary: induce

1 to make or persuade somebody to do something
2 to cause or produce
3 to make a woman start giving birth to her baby by giving her special drugs

Vocabulary: intervene

1 to act in a way that prevents something happening or influences the result of something
2 to interrupt somebody who is speaking in order to say something
3 to happen in a way that delays something or stops it from happening

Vocabulary: overall

1 including everything; total
2 generally; when you consider everything

Vocabulary: overlap

1 when two things overlap, part of one covers part of the other
2 to be partly the same as something

Vocabulary: trace

1 a mark, an object or a sign that shows that somebody/something existed or happened
2 a very small amount of something

quinta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2017

How to think about a problem

“How to think about a problem:

The first step is to make the problem specific;

The second step is to form theories freely of how to rid yourself of that burden;

The third step is to develop in foresight the consequences of your proposals;

The fourth and final step in thinking is to compare the consequences of your proposals to see which is best in the light of your scheme of life as a whole;

Whether you choose a vacation or a spouse, a party or a candidate, a cause to contribute to or a creed to live by—think!”
                      Brand Blanshard, philosopher

Vocabulary: highlight

1 to emphasize sth so that people give it special attention
2 to mark part of a text with a different colour, etc. so that people give it more attention
3 to make some parts of a person's hair a lighter colour
1 the best or most interesting part of something:
2 areas of lighter colour that are put in a person's hair

Vocabulary: hence

for this reason

Vocabulary: guarantee

1 a firm promise that something will be done or that something will happen
2 a written promise by a company that it will repair or replace a product if it breaks in a certain
period of time
3 something that makes something else certain to happen

Vocabulary: assist

to help

Vocabulary: area

1 a part of a town, a country or the world
2 the size of a surface, that you can calculate by multiplying the length by the widt
3 a space used for a particular activity
4 a particular part of a subject or activity

Vocabulary: approximate

adjective: almost correct but not completely accurate
1 to be similar or close to sth in nature, quality, amount, etc., but not exactly the same
2 to calculate or estimate sth fairly accurately

Vocabulary: survey

noum: a study of the opinions, behaviour, etc. of a group of people
verb: to look carefully at the whole of something

Vocabulary: layer

a quantity or thickness of something that lies over a surface or between surfaces

Vocabulary: label

a piece of paper, etc. that is fixed to something and which gives information about it

Vocabulary: ongoing

continuing to exist now

Vocabulary: offset

to make the effect of something less strong or noticeable

Vocabulary: odd

1 strange; unusual
2 not regular or fixed
3 numbers that cannot be divided by two

Vocabulary: trend

a general change or development

Vocabulary: terminate

to end or to make something end

Vocabulary: despite

without being affected by the thing mentioned

Vocabulary: convene

to come together or to bring people together for a meeting, etc.

Vocabulary: undertake

1 to decide to do something and start doing it
2 to agree or promise to do something

Vocabulary: underlie

to be the basis or cause of something

Vocabulary: income

the money you receive regularly as payment for your work or as interest on money you have saved, etc

Vocabulary: impose

1 to make a law, rule, opinion, etc. be accepted by using your power or authority
2 to ask or expect somebody to do something that may cause extra work or trouble

Vocabulary: imply

to suggest something in an indirect way or without actually saying it

Vocabulary: imagery

language that produces pictures in the minds of the people reading or listening

Vocabulary: presume

to think that something is true even if you do not know for sure; to suppose

Vocabulary: nonetheless

in spite of this fact

Vocabulary: outcome

the result or effect of an action or an event

Vocabulary: outcome

the result or effect of an action or an event

1000° post : Vocabulary practice

For this 1000 post I chose this amazing word that means "important or noticeable part of something"

This is a feature part of my plan to achieve 700 score at TOEIC!!!!

Vocabulary: orient

to find out where you are; to become familiar with a place

Vocabulary: dispose

to throw away or sell something; to get rid of somebody/something that you do not want

Vocabulary: differentiate

1 to see or show how things are different
2 to make one thing different from another
3 to treat one person or group differently from another

Vocabulary: device

1 a tool or piece of equipment made for a particular purpose
2 a clever method for getting the result you want

Vocabulary: deviate

to change or become different from what is normal or expected

Vocabulary: restrain

to keep somebody or something under control; to prevent somebody or something from doing something

Vocabulary: furthermore

also; in addition

Vocabulary: framework

1 the basic structure of something that gives it shape and strength
2 a system of rules or ideas which help you decide what to do

Vocabulary: equate

equate something (with something) to consider one thing as being the same as somenthing else