segunda-feira, 3 de março de 2014

Culinary: Carbonara pasta

Hi guys, we will be cooking today a italian classic pasta carbonara.

Pasta / Egg / Olive oil
slab bacon / grated parmesan cheese / sea salt / ground pepper


1 - Bring a pot of water to a boil.

2 - Add sea salt and pasta to boiling water and cook for 8 to 10 minutes.

3 - Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a frying pan, over medium flame. 

4 - Add the slab bacon and soute for about 3 minutes, until the bacon is crisp and the fat is rendered.

5 - Add the hot, drained pasta to the frying pain and toss for 2 minutes to coat the pasta in the bacon fat.

6 - Beat the egg and parmesan together in a mixing bowl, stirring well to prevent lumps.

7 - Remove the frying pan from the heat and pour the egg/cheese mixture into the pasta, whisking quickly until the eggs thicken, bnut do not scramble (this is done off the heat to ensure this does not happen)

8 - Thin out the sauce with a bit of the reserved pasta water, until it reaches desired consistency.

9 - Season the carbonara with sereveral turns of freshly ground pepper and taste the salt.

10 - Mound the pasta in a dish and garnish with parmesan cheese.

heal = aqueça
over medium flame = sobre fogo médio
saute = refogue
the fat is rendered = a gordura é transformada
to coat the pasta = para revestir a massa
stirring well to prevent lumps = mexendo bem para evitar bolhas
thicken = engrossar
scramble egg = ovo mexido
thin out the sauce = diliuir o molho
reache = alcance
season = tempere
several turn = várias voltas
mound = monte
garnish = decore

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