quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2016

Communication Skills: Speaking

Effective spoken communication requires being able to express your ideas and views clearly, confidently and concisely in speech, tailoring your content and style to the audience and promoting free-flowing communication.
  • Be clear and concise. Vary your tone, pace and volume to enhance the communication and encourage questions
  • Persuading and Negotiating Arriving at an agreement that is agreeable to both sides: a win:win situation. Back up your points with logic. Show tact to those you disagree with.
  • Making a speech in front of an audience: presenting your message in an interesting way, structuring your presentation, using audio-visual aids effectively and building a rapport with your audience
  • Communicating effectively in a team
  • Ask for help when you need it. Research suggests that asking for help with something (within reason) makes you more liked by the person you ask!

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