sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2017

How to boil and easily peel quail eggs

I keep hearing how hard it is to crack a quail egg and how not worth it they are.  I know most of you already know how to boil and peel a quail egg(or chicken egg for that matter) so that it is easy to peel and it will make it taste better. But some people don't so I'll tell you the secret- that's not really a secret.

Easiest way to cook and peel quail eggs:
Boil water with salt, while water boiling gently drop in eggs,  when water returns to boil turn off heat, cover, and set timer for 17min (21 for chicken eggs just remember incubation days)
when timer rings dump out water and add ice til eggs completely covered
When eggs are nice and cold crack them by rolling them under your palms then then peel come off very easily in one movement(you'll have to practice on one or two to get this down)
The eggs are not rubbery -  very nice texture - no more boiling my eggs til they bounce.

Quails are definately worth it! I keep hearing about how much the grain is, mine eat very little layer, they eattwo day old bread, rice, watermelons everything really, you just have to start them when they young. Everyone has a bakery( they sell two day old bread by the pallets- I throw them in an old freezer) or restaurant or grocery store or old tomatoes or old melons on the vine( they do like mushy things!). Sorry another


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