segunda-feira, 13 de março de 2017

Vocabulary: cheese

   Cheese is the product resulting from the coagulation of the milk  protein, casein, by suitable enzymes and/or acid-producing bacteria to  produce a curd which is separated from the whey and can be in the
ripened or unripened form. Examples are
    Cheddar cheese: A firm bodied cheese produced by subjecting milk, nonfat milk,
or cream to the action of a lactic acid producing bacteria culture and clotting
enzyme (rennet). It contains not more than 39% moisture by weight and not less than 50% milk fat by weight of the solids.

    Cottage cheese: A soft, uncured cheese prepared by mixing cottage cheese dry curd  with a creaming mixture. It contains not more than 80% moisture and not less than 4% milk fat by weight of the finished food.

    Cream Cheese: The soft, uncured cheese made from pasteurized dairy ingredients
containing not less than 33% milk fat by weight of the finished food and not  more than 55% moisture by weight.

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