quarta-feira, 17 de maio de 2017

Developing problem-solving skills

What’s your gut feeling?

Some studies show that following your intuition and making a decision based on instinct can often be the best decision, as it is based on our own innate wisdom. It’s especially useful when you don’t have time to do the research and weigh up all the pros and cons.
A hunch, a whim, or a strange urge could all be giving us helpful, “higher level” messages. And the more we honor the messages we are getting, the more we can develop our intuition and the more we
can deliberately tune in to it.


1. An intuitive feeling or a premonition: had a hunch that he would lose.
2. A hump.
3. A lump or chunk: "She ... cut herself another hunch of bread" (Virginia Woolf).
4. A push or shove.
v. hunchedhunch·inghunch·es
1. To bend or draw up into a hump: I hunched my shoulders against the wind.
2. To push or shove.
1. To assume a crouched or cramped posture: The cat hunched in a corner.
2. To thrust oneself forward.


  (wĭm, hwĭm)
1. A sudden or capricious idea; a fancy.
2. Arbitrary thought or impulse: governed by whim.
3. A vertical horse-powered drum used as a hoist in a mine

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