sábado, 22 de julho de 2017

Be strong and go ahead!

“Fall down seven times, get up eight.”– Japanese Proverb

Being strong phrase

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”– Arnold Schwarzenegger

Vocabulary: logic

Logic: 1) a sensible reason or way os thinking; 2) the science of using reason.

Vocabulary: lock

Lock: to close or fasten something so that it can only be opened with a key.
Have you locked the car?

Vocabulary: location

Location: a place or position.

Vocabulary: locate

Locate: to find the exact position of somebody/something;

Vocabulary: local

Local: a particular place (near you).
Local newspaper, local radio, etc.

Vocabulary: loan

Loan: money, etc. that somebody/something lends you.
To take out a bank loan.

Vocabulary: load (3)

Load (informal): a lot of something.
There are loads of things to do in London in the evenings.

Vocabulary: load (2)

Load (2): (often in compounds) the quantity of something that can be carried.
Bus loads of tourists.

Vocabulary: load (1)

Load (1): something (heavy) that is being or is waiting to be carried: a truck carrying a lot of sand.

Vocabulary: lively

Lively: full of energy, interest, excitement, etc.

Vocabulary: live on something

1) to have something as your only food.
To live on bread and water.

2) to manage to buy what you need to live.
I don't know how they live on so little money.

Vocabulary: live on

Live on: to continue to live or exist.

Mozart is dead but his music lives on.

Vocabulary: live off somebody/something

Live off sb/sth: to depend on sb/sth in order to live.

Fernando lives off tinned food.
She could easily get a job but she still lives off her parents.
I'm living off health food in this moment.

Vocabulary: live it up

Live it up: to enjoy yourself in an exciting way, usually spending a lot of money

Vocabulary: live for somebody/something

Live for somebody/something: to consider sb/sth to be the most important thing in your life.
He felt had nothing to live for after his wife died.

Vocabulary: live by doing something

Live by doing something: to get the money, food, etc. you need by doing a particular activity.
They live by making cakes. I live by doing reports.

Vocabulary: live by something

Live by something: to follow a particular belief or set of principles.

Vocabulary: live (4)

Live: to enjoy all the opportunities of life fully.
I want to live a bit before settling down and getting maried.

Vocabulary: Live(3)

Live: to pass or spend your life in a certain way.
To live a quiet life. To live in comfort/poverty.

Vocabulary: live(2)

Live: to be or stay alive.
She hasn't got long to live.

Vocabulary: live (1)

Live: to have your home in a particular place.
Where do you live?

Vocabulary: little

Little: not big, small.

Vocabulary: litre

Litre: a measure of liquid: ten litres of petrol, a litre bottle of wine.

Vocabulary: listen

Listen: to pay attention to somebody or something in order to hear them or it.

Vocabulary: list

list: a series of names, figures, items, etc. that are written, printed or said one after another.
A checklist of everything that needs to be done.

Vocabulary: make the most of sth

To get as much pleasure, profit, etc. as possible from sth,
You won't get another chance - make the most of it!

Vocabulary: make do with something

make do with something: to use something that is not good enough because nothing better is available.
If we can't get limes, we'll have to make do with lemons.

Vocabulary: make

make: to produce or create something.

Vocabulary: majority

Majority: the largest number or part of a group of people or things.

Vocabulary: scale

Scale: the size of something especially when compared to other things.

Vocabulary: length

Length: the size of something form one end to other; how long something is.

Energize yourself in the morning.

As much as we like to think we have control and autonomy when it comes to our feelings, the truth is that momentum is a huge factor.

Morning routines have been a keystone habit of content and successful people throughout history, and for good reason; starting your day with a spiritual practice, a physical practice, and a healthy breakfast may not seem like much, but compounded over years, it can make all the difference in the world to your well-being.


Manufacturing is the transformation of raw materials into finished products. It happens in factories, plants (= large factories) and mills (used for specific industries, eggs steel and textiles).

The word 'manufacturing' is often associited with industries like autos, chemicals, iron and steel. These industries, based on mass production, were once major employers in areas like America's'Rust Belt' (llinnois, lndiana, Michigan, Ohio) and
England's 'West Midlands' - regions associated with readly available coal, labour and inland waterways (= canals).  In the period after the Second World War these industries provided jobs for large numbers of blue-collar workers, working in secure, well-paid jobs and protected by unions.  During the 1970s and 80s these industries becames unprofitable in America and Europe.  Production methods were increasingly outdated, and this type of heavy industries

Be honest with yourself.

Discontentment often comes from what psychologists call cognitive dissonance—incongruence between two conflicting ideas or emotions in your mind.

You can greatly reduce this by just accepting, admitting, and experiencing the emotions that are passing through you.
If you are angry, be angry; if you are sad, be sad; if you are joyful, be joyful. When we try to actively change or deny present emotions, they become meta-emotions: guilt about sadness, anger about fear, fear about unhappiness. Then they become toxic.

Vocabulary practice: medium

Medium: in the middle of between two sizes, lengths, temperatures, etc. ; average.

Vocabulary practice: meeting

Meeting: an organized occasion when a number of people come together in order to discuss or decided something.

Go out in nature.

A lot of the time our worries and concerns are largely linked to our environment—both immediately, such as the construction noise outside our bedroom, and peripherally, such as when an advert on T.V. reminds you of a past failure.

Nature allows you to completely unplug, allowing yourself the space to experience relaxation and acceptance.

Morning thoughts

Sadly, he could never live up to the expectations a fourth leaf brought.

quinta-feira, 20 de julho de 2017

Morning thoughts

"But failure has to be an option in art and in exploration--because it's a leap of faith. And no important endeavor that required innovation was done without risk. You have to be willing to take those risks." --James Cameron

quarta-feira, 19 de julho de 2017

Get out of your comfort zone.

Getting out of your comfort zone is good not only for your sense of self-worth, but it also gives your brain a huge adrenaline dump and a flush of endorphins.

You’ll know when you’re getting out of your comfort zone when you feel anxious before doing something, but you do it anyway, because you know it is beneficial to you in the long run. Afterward, you’ll often feel a huge relief and sense of self-worth at having done something you were scared to do.
Depending on your own situation you might find this in traveling to new places, meeting new people, trying new activities (public speaking, scuba diving, bungee jumping etc.) or even just meditating through negative emotions.

Morning thoughts

"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." --Thomas Alva Edison

segunda-feira, 17 de julho de 2017

Look after your body.

From muscular tension that can trap emotions to serotonin production and bacterial imbalances in your gut, your body is the number one vehicle that will allow you to experience joy and satisfaction, so treat it with care!

Meditate daily.

This is a no brainer. I’m sure anyone reading this article is familiar with the physical and psychological health benefits of mindfulness and meditation.

But there is one I’d like to add:
Meditation is long, slow, and you often you don’t see the deep benefits for a long time; in fact, when you are starting out, it can often seem like a complete leap of faith. But this is why it’s so important.
When you sit and stare at a wall or focus on your breath or do anything that (compared to our normal lives) is so bland, it conditions you to not grab on to the colorful, shiny objects that usually point you toward a shallow sense of fulfillment.
With a longstanding meditation practice that tendency to grasp will usually just fall away naturally. You’ll unknowingly get out of your own way.

Don’t force yourself to be positive all the time.

There’s a lot of advice in the self-help community and spiritual circles about being positive. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the best advice. It’s better to be positive when you are actually feeling positive than it is to be positive when you’re feeling negative.

Remove things that prevent happiness.

This is actually a lot more important than finding things to make you happy.

Are you in a toxic relationship?
Do you dislike your job?
Are you eating a lot of unhealthy food?
These things all need to go before you start to seek happiness; otherwise, they can hold you back and you may never be satisfied.

Morning thoughts

"You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can't have it." --Dr. Robert Anthony

Meet new people.

Meeting new and positive people can give you new vital energy that kickstarts your life and helps you focus on enjoying the present.

Because we are such social creatures, having likeminded people in our lives can have such a powerful impact on the way our habits and beliefs develop. As the old saying goes, “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
To find people with similar interests and ambitions in your city, there are plenty of sites that can help you connect. You can try MeetUp.com for starters, or just do a simple search in Facebook for groups in your area.
Likewise, if you are interested in meditation and spirituality, retreats are a great way to know people and connect on a deep level in a short amount of time.

domingo, 16 de julho de 2017

Be okay with okay.

When people ask you, “How’s work? How’s the new city? How’s your relationship going?” Don’t you feel compelled to say “really good!” even when it’s not?

We’re so conditioned to feel like we need to have the best of everything that “okay” just isn’t good enough for most of us.
Learning to be okay with okay is a much better strategy toward allowing things to become great than is anxiously wishing that they already were.

Separate your happiness from your achievements.

We all need to learn to separate our happiness from our achievements. It’s okay to feel content with our lives simply because we have an inherent sense of self-worth.

Reaching our goals can obviously bolster this feeling and give us a deep sense of accomplishment, but the absence of achievement should not mean the absence of happiness.

Make serving others a regular habit.

One key habit of unhappy people that we often don’t talk about is that they are inherently self-centered.

This doesn’t mean that they are bad people by any means. It just means their minds spend a disproportionate amount of time focused on the self.
Serving others is one way to break this pattern of attention from “How am I feeling?” to “How are youfeeling?” There are a lot of studies that show that giving to others is more rewarding than receiving

Take small daily steps.

If you think you know what you want and you’re determined that it will make you happy, at least decide on small daily steps that you can take to get there.

Setting unrealistical goals that you never get to finish is far less fulfilling than setting small goals that you can finish and appreciate—and ones that let you know you’re on the right track.

Let go of unrealistic expectations about how happy you’re supposed to be.

For most of human history people lived relatively rough lives. The idea that you’re supposed to be happy all of the time is pretty new.

Though you should strive to live the fullest life you can, it’s actually more normal and perfectly okay to live an average life interspersed with brief periods of joy.

Decide what you really want to do.

A lot of people that are searching for happiness will end up with “shiny object syndrome.” This is what happens when they bounce from goal to goal because they’re looking for something (or someone) to take away all their suffering.

Knowing yourself and what you truly want can help you develop purpose and focus—so much so that you don’t even have time to waste pondering happiness. You may even realize that happiness is not what you really want, that you’re willing to put up with being unhappy some of the time if it means you will have a sense of achievement.

Practice living in the present.

Letting go of past regrets and future anxieties is not easy, but it’s the fastest way to live a full and enjoyable life. Think about enjoying each moment for its own unique role in the ongoing narrative of your life.

If you want a short mantra to keep in mind: be here now.

Take the word “happy” out of your vocabulary.

We all know words are used to communicate ideas. Unfortunately, sometimes a word can get overused and it becomes confusing, stifling, or even dangerous.

Here are some other words you should start to use in conversations with yourself and others about how you feel. Don’t be fooled into believing you need to experience all of them; you don’t.
If you find yourself asking, Am I happy? Replace the question with: Do I have [insert word] in my life?
  • Contentment
  • Enjoyment
  • Laughter
  • Well-being
  • Peace of mind
  • Cheerfulness
  • Playfulness
  • Hopefulness
  • Blessedness

Morning thoughts

"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced." --Vincent van Gogh

sábado, 15 de julho de 2017

Morning thoughts

"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail. Explore. Dream. Discover." --Mark Twain

quinta-feira, 13 de julho de 2017

Let go of the fear of abandonment.

Fundamentally, we all crave for connection. But when fear of abandonment starts to rule our lives we make very irrational choices. I try to trust that what is meant to be will happen. And no matter how things turn out, we’ll come out of it okay.

Let go of draining, unhealthy relationships.

We are the average of the people we hang out with, and if they are frequently negative, it becomes hard for us to maintain an attitude of gratitude. It’s been a tough call to distance myself from people in my life who were bringing me down, but it was necessary to move on.

Let go of negativity.

In any given situation we have a choice—look at what’s good and be grateful, or look at what’s wrong and complain. Deliberately adopting the attitude of gratitude literally changed the course of my life.

Let go of perfectionism.

If I had a dime for every opportunity I squandered in the quest for perfection, I’d be rich! But no one can be perfect all the time. That’s what makes us humans. We are quirky. We have flaws. We are beautiful just the way we are.

Let go of pride.

Neither apology nor forgiveness is possible without letting go of pride. Nor is there room for authentic connection where pride resides. Let it go.

Let go of guilt.

On the flip side, if we are the ones who made a mistake, it is time to forgive ourselves and make amends. “I’m sorry. How can I fix it?” can go a long way in starting the healing process.

Let go of resentment.

Unless we walk in the shoes of the other, we really don’t know the reason for their behavior. Carrying resentment only hurts us and delays any repair. I cannot tell you how amazing it’s been to let go of some of the resentment I didn’t even know I’d been carrying for years!

Let go of the sense of entitlement.

I often found myself asking “Why me?” It was hard to replace that with “Why not?” After all, everyone gets their share of joys and sorrows; why should I somehow be above it and deserve only the joys?

Let go of trying to please everyone.

Every time we pretend to be someone, it takes us away from our true selves, and from our place of happiness. It was hard at first to stop trying to please others. Eventually I realized how liberating it was to dare to be myself!

Let go of trying to control everything.

The only thing that we can truly control is our own attitude and reactions. Once we accept that, we can find happiness right where we are, irrespective of how things turn out. This was perhaps the hardest but the most necessary part of the transformation for me.

Morning thoughts

"Don't waste your energy trying to change opinions ... do your thing, and don't care if they like it." --Tina Fey

quarta-feira, 12 de julho de 2017

terça-feira, 11 de julho de 2017

Morning thoughts

"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live." 
                            --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

segunda-feira, 10 de julho de 2017

Morning thoughts

Your past does not have to be your prison. You have a voice an a future. You have a say in your own life. Choose your destiny wisely.

domingo, 9 de julho de 2017

Morning thoughts

Even when you are confronting challenges, it is also important to have a little humor in your life.

sábado, 8 de julho de 2017

Morning thoughts

"Successful people have fear, successful people have doubts, and successful people have worries. They just don't let these feelings stop them." --T. Harv Eker

sexta-feira, 7 de julho de 2017

Sunlight Provides Solar Energy

Photosynthesis produces carbohydrates and oxygen, both of which are utilized by the majority of living things. Photosynthesis uses solar energy in the visible-light range; the photons of this range contain the right amount of energy to energize the electrons of chlorophyll molecules. Specifically, chlorophylls a and b absorb violet, blue, and red wavelengths best. This causes chlorophyll to appear green to

Morning thoughts

"Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement." --Golda Meir

quinta-feira, 6 de julho de 2017

Why we breathe

Every cell in the human body needs fresh oxygen. Oxygen is used to process the energy from the foods we eat. Without oxygen, important nutrients wouldn’t reach any of the cells to help your body function. There is waste when the oxygen is doing its work. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the waste products of this process, and the body needs to get rid of it.


Breathing isn’t something we often think about.  When you were born, your lungs were filled with amniotic fluid; they were not inflated.
You took your first breath within about 10 seconds after being born, and from that point on, your breathing became an automatic response for your respiratory system.
Your respiratory system gathers the oxygen your body needs from the air. It also gets rid of what your body doesn’t need, like CO2 and other metabolic wastes. When all of this happens, your body’s organs are able to work properly.

Air Filtration

Air filtration happens in the upper and lower airways. This process protects the lungs by removing particles from inhaled air. Filtration removes as much dust and as  many bacteria as possible.

Gas Exchange.

Gas exchange in your lungs is also a 2-step process:
1) Oxygen from the air is transferred to
the blood.
2) Carbon dioxide from the blood to the air. This all  happens in the alveoli of the lungs.

Air Treatment

The air we breathe isn’t always the best for our bodies.  In fact, if it’s dirty, too dry, too warm, or too cold, could do serious harm. To protect your lungs, the air you  inhale is conditioned as it passes through your upper airways, your nasal cavities in particular.


Breathing is a repetitive process.
Every breath has 2 steps:
1) Breathing in, which is called inhalation.
2) Breathing out, which is called exhalation.

Morning thoughts

"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced." --Vincent van Gogh

quarta-feira, 5 de julho de 2017

Morning thoughts

"You have no control over other people's taste, so focus on staying true to your own." --Tim Gunn

terça-feira, 4 de julho de 2017

Morning thoughts

I am learning how
 to walk away from
 people and situations that
threaten my
peace of mind, 
self respect or 
self worth.

domingo, 2 de julho de 2017


A hormone  [Gk. hormao, instigate] is defined as an organic chemical produced by one set of cells that affects a different set. A hormone usually travels through the circulatory system to its target organ. It is important to stress that a hormone does not seek out a particular organ; to the contrary, the organ is awaiting the arrival of the hormone. Cells that can react to a hormone have specific receptors, which combine with the hormone in a lock-and-key manner. Therefore, certain cells respond to one hormone and not to another, depending on their receptors.

Morning thoughts

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." --Helen Keller

sábado, 1 de julho de 2017


Communication is an action by a sender that affects the behavior of a receiver.

Brandy - "Have You Ever?"/"Almost Doesn't Count"

Almost made you love me
Almost made you cry
Almost made you happy, baby
Didn't I, didn't I

You almost had me thinkin'
You were turned around
But everybody knows
Almost doesn't count

Almost heard you saying
You were finally free
What was always missing for you, baby
You'd found it in me
But you can't get to heaven
Half off the ground
Everybody knows
Almost doesn't count

I can't keep on lovin' you
One foot outside the door
I hear a funny hesitation
Of a heart that's never really sure
Can't keep on tryin'
If you're looking for more
Than all I could give you
Than what you came here for

Gonna find me somebody
Not afraid to let go
Want a no doubt be there kind of man
You came really close
But everytime you built me up
You only let me down
And everybody knows
Almost doesn't count

I can't keep on loving you
One foot outside the door
I hear a funny hesitation
Of a heart that's never really sure
Can't keep on tryin'
If you're looking for more
Than all I can give you
Than what you came here for

Maybe you'll be sorry
Maybe you'll be cold
Maybe you'll come running back, baby
> From the cruel, cruel world
Almost convinced me
You're gonna stick around
But everybody knows
Almost doesn't count

So maybe I'll be here
Maybe I'll see ya' round
That's the way it goes
Almost doesn't count

Whitney Houston & Chaka Khan - "I'm Every Woman"

I'm every woman, it's all in me
Anything you want done, baby
I'll do it naturally
I'm every woman, it's all in me
I can read your thoughts right now
Every one from A to Z

I can cast a spell
With secrets you can't tell
Mix a special brew
Put fire inside of you
But anytime you feel
Danger or fear
Instantly I will appear, 'cause


I can sense your needs
Like rain on to the seeds
I can make a rhyme
Of confusion in your mind
And when it comes down
To some good old fashioned love
That's what I've got plenty of, 'cause


I ain't braggin' 'cause I'm the one
You just ask me ooh and it shall be done
And don't bother to compare
'Cause I've got it
I've got it, I've got it, yeah

I'm every woman (repeat and fade)

Elton John - "Like Father Like Son"

Like father, like son
Like father, like son
Like father, like son

Don't come on so cocksure boy, you can't escape your genes
No point in feeling purer boy, your background intervenes
Listen good and listen straight, you're not the master of your fate
To this you must be reconciled, you'll always be your father's child
At times acclaimed, at times reviled
You'll wind up doing just what I've done
Like father, like son
Like father, like son

Don't assume your vices get handed down the line
That a parent's blood suffices to condemn the child's design
I've done wrong, I can't deny, but at least I know that I
Shouldn't blame that on my stock, this may come as quite a shock
But I'm no chip off any block, I wouldn't wish those words on anyone
Like father, like son
Like father, like son

Son, you're nervous, take my hand
All is settled, all is planned
You've got the world at your command
I don't think you understand

Just have the slave if you must, and be done with her
Don't ever speak of her like that again

I appreciate too well, the squalor at which you excel
It isn't very hard to tell, evil's a distinctive smell

From this day on I choose my own way
If I choose to be with Aida, then I will be
And no one, not you, not even the gods can stop me

He's lost all sense of reason, and why? some foreign slut
Not only is that treason, some doors are slamming shut
Just like me, he's found that flesh can excite but will enmesh
Watch me rid him of this blight, once the harlot's out of sight
Then I think he will see the light
He won't walk back to daddy, he will run

Whitney Houston - "It's Not Right, But It's Okay"

Friday night you and your boys went out to eat
Then they hung out
But you came home around three
If six of y'all went out
Then four of you were really cheap
Cause only two of you had dinner
I found your credit card receipt

It's not right, but it's okay
I'm gonna make it anyway
Pack your bag up and leave
Don't you dare come running back to me
It's not right, but it's okay
I'm gonna make it anyway
Close the door behind you
Leave your key
I'd rather be alone
Than unhappy

I'll pack your bags
So you can leave town for a week (yes I am)
The phone rings
And then you look at me
You said it was one of your friends
Down on 54th St.
So why did 213
Show up on your Caller I.D. ?

I have been through all of this before
(I've been through all this before)
So how would you think
(Don't think about, don't think about it)
That I could stand around and take some more?
(Get goin', get goin')
Things are gonna change
(Things are goin' to change baby)
'Cos I don't wanna be a fool anymore
(You don't stand no chance boy)
That's why you have to leave
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahhh)

So don't turn around to see my face
(Don't turn around)
There's no more tears left here
For you to see
Was it really worth you going out like that?
Tell me... oh

See I'm moving on
And I refuse to turn back
See all of this time
I thought I had somebody down for me
It turns out (2x)
It turns out (3x)
It turns out
You were making a fool of me

Whitney Houston & Mary J. Blige - "Ain't No Way"

Ain't no way
For me to love you
If you won't let me

It ain't no way
For me to give you all you need
If you won't let me
Give all of me

I know that a woman's duty
Is to have and love a man
And that's the way it was planned

Oh but how can I, how can I, how can I
Give you all the things I can
If your tying up both of my hands
Oh ain't no, ain't no way (ain't no way)

It ain't no way no, no, no (ain't no way)
Sho' ain't no way (ain't no way)
It ain't no way (ain't no way)

It ain't no way for me to love you
If you won't let me 

So, stop trying to be
Someone your not

Hard, cold and cruel is a man
Who paid too much for what he's got

And if you need me
Won't you say, say you do
because if you need me
Don't you know I need you

Ain't no way (chorus and ad-libs to end) 

Elton John & LeAnn Rimes - "Written in the Stars"

Written In The Stars (feat. Leann Rimes)

I am here to tell you we can never meet again
Simple really, isn't it, a word or two and then
A lifetime of not knowing where or how or why or when
You think of me or speak of me or wonder what befell
The someone you once loved so long ago so well

Never wonder what I'll feel as living shuffles by
You don't have to ask me and I need not reply
Every moment of my life from now until I die
I will think or dream of you and fail to understand
How a perfect love can be confounded out of hand

Is it written in the stars
Are we paying for some crime
Is that all that we are good for
Just a stretch of mortal time

Is this God's experiment
In which we have no say
In which we're given paradise
But only for a day

Nothing can be altered, there is nothing to decide
No escape, no change of heart, no anyplace to hide
You are all I'll ever want, but this I am denied
Sometimes in my darkest thoughts, I wish I'd never learned
What it is to be in love and have that love returned

Whitney Houston & Treach - "My Love Is Your Love"

If tomorrow is judgement day (sing mommy)
And I'm standin' on the front line
And the Lord ask me what I did with my life
I will say I spent it with you

If I wake up in World War 3
I see destruction and poverty
And I feel like I want to go home
It's okay if you're coming with me

Cause your love is my love
and my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn't hold us

Cause your love is my love
and my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn't hold us

If I lose my fame and fortune
And I'm homeless on the street
And I'm sleepin' in Grand Central Station
It's okay if you're sleepin' with me

As the years they pass us by
we stay young through each other's eyes
And no matter how old we get
It's okay as long as I got you babe

Cause your love is my love
and my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn't hold us

Cause your love is my love
and my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn't hold us

If I should die this very day
Don't cry, cause on earth we wasn't meant to stay
And no matter what people say
I'll be waiting for you after judgement day

Cause your love is my love
and my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn't hold us

Cause your love is my love
and my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn't hold us

Cause your love is my love
and my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn't hold us